Trials & Shearing


Gwener 30 Awst 10.00 yb / Friday 30th August 2024 at 10.00 am
Sadwrn 31 Awst 8.30 yb / Saturday 31st August 2024 at 7.30 am

Entry forms are available as PDF or Excel files.

Sheepdog Trials

Beirniaid / Judges:

  • Friday (Local & Novices):    Mr. Norman Green        
  • Saturday: TBC


  1. All entries must be in the hands of the Secretary, with fees in full, by TUESDAY 20th AUGUST.
  2. Please use the proper Entry Form. No dog will be allowed to run twice in the same competition.
  3. Handlers will be notified of their Running Order. Any Handler who fails to report to the Starter on the field in due order will be disqualified and the entry fee forfeited.
  4. General rules

    Please note: The Society reserves the right to adjust the prize money or alter the trials depending on the situation on the day.  The protocol and criteria regarding the challenge cups leaves these subjects to the decision of the committee.

Class 1 – Open to the world

  • 1st £150 and the Frank Richardson Memorial Cup
  • 2nd £100, 3rd £60, 4th £30, 5th £20, seven consolation prizes of £10 each.
  • Entry Fee £8 
  • Class starts at 10:00 am and continue until the last dog has run. The best 10 then compete in a final usually after 4pm.
    Times can vary depending on the number of entries and how long each dog takes to complete the course.

The competitor from the Ceiriog Valley who loses the least points will receive the Bronze Trophy, and the competitor from the Ceiriog Valley who loses the least points in the qualifying round will receive the H. Edwards Memorial Cup.

Class 2 – Novices – Friday

for dogs not having before the closing of entries won a First Prize in an Open Class.

  • 1st £25 and the Margaret Lewis Memorial Cup
  • 2nd £15, 3rd £10, 4th £5, 5th £3, 6th £2
  • Entry Fee £3

The competitor residing within a radius of 15 miles of the Field who loses the least number of points will receive the Charles Storey Cup.

Class 3 – Local – Friday

Confined to the Ceiriog Valley (see Rule 20), for dogs not having before the closing of entries won a prize of £10 or more.

  • 1st £8 and the Andrew Sopwith Memorial Cup
  • 2nd £6, 3rd £4, 4th £2
  • Entry Fee £2

A Collar and Chain will be given by T. Jones & Son, Saddlers, Oswestry, for the Best Command in Class 3, and the S. Claybrook Cup to the competitor with the best Outrun.

The competitor residing within the Ceiriog Valley who loses the least number of points in either of Classes 2 and 3 will receive the Brynkinallt Perpetual Trophy.

In Classes 2 and 3 combined, a prize of £5 will be given to the Best Handler under 25.

Class 4 – Friday evening

Best Conditioned Working Sheepdog (male or female).

  • 1st £5 and the Nantyr Cup
  • 2nd £3, 3rd £2
  • Best Veteran wins the John Lightfoot Tankard
  • Judge: TBC
  • Entry on Field, Entry Fee £1

Sheep Shearing

Local Shearing Classes – Saturday

Entry on Field


  • (1) Local Hand Shearing Competition, 1.00 pm. Judge: TBC
    1st £20 and the Midland Bank Bronze Trophy, 2nd £10, 3rd £5
  • (2) Veterans Machine Shearing Competition
    1st £20, 2nd £10, 3rd £5
  • Entry Fee £3

4(c) Local Shearing Competition, 2.00 pm. Judge: TBC

  • (1) Contractors
    1st £30 and the Gareth Morris Trophy, 2nd £10, 3rd £5.
  • (2) Farmers
    1st £30 and the C.D.Davies & Son Trophy, 2nd £10, 3rd £5.
    Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked competitors in Farmers Class aged 21 years and under.
  • Entry Fee £5

Many thanks to our new sponsors this year Heather & Alan Rogers.